Thursday, September 17, 2015


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" - Aristotle

         I was one of the many crazed freshman to arrive on the campus of Bob Jones University on August 28th. The atmosphere was what I had always hoped it would be. Parents hovered over their kids and kids looked to their parents for their final looks of approval.I, however, wasn't one of these kids. I took one look around and my head screamed,” FREEDOM!". I didn't realize how much home-schooled Sierra was going to change to become college freshman Sierra. While you may gain freedom as you enter into this new world of college you're also met with a wall of responsibilities.
      "What am I doing here?" I thought as I attempted to study for my upcoming English test. College was weird. They don't really teach you they just tell you what you should do, not how to do it. The one word that I have become best friends with since that Friday is, confused.  Keeping track of rules, classes, and my social life was no easy task. I felt I needed to start a reminder just so I would do laundry! I mean come on, it's laundry, what was happening to me. I have heard it said that when we feel we can't do it anymore is when we realize we never could. Sierra Sterling can't do it.
        I can't do it alone. I need help that can only be found from one place, from God. Now don't freak out and throw you laptop across the room because here is another sob story of a girl who trusted in God and magically her life became awesome! This story isn't like that. Just because I believe that I can do anything with the strength of God, doesn't always mean I succeed. Yes, you read that right. My life is still that disaster and confusion that you believe it would be. It doesn’t, however, mean that I feel like a disaster anymore. I was doing it. I was studying, learning, and ultimately trying. I was putting all my effort into this school work and social world that surrounded me. The result, however they may be, I could live with. The word happiness was once again my best friend and confusion was forgotten.
     Now let me end on a good note or perhaps just a slightly funny one. I get to do my laundry for free. So if that doesn't make you feel blessed then I don't know what will! Thanks for giving me some of your time and hopefully this was enjoyable and maybe encouraging to you! If you have any prayer requests or questions for me I can be contacted at! Thank you all for staying faithful to my blog posts even in times when I am not!